Tuesday, December 28, 2010

26 Degrees

Tampa, Florida We're in the middle of a 3 day cold front and we awoke to a 26 degree temperature. We're nice and toasty inside though! Yes, Rick, the electric blanket was on again :) I have to confess we actually have two electric blankets...one for us and one for the kitties. We put theirs on the dash and they love it! We figured it would be cheaper than running the furnace, especially since our electricity is free. We like to keep the motor home cool at night because we can't stand that dry heat when we're sleeping, and it gets pretty cool inside. One more cold night then back to the 70's! We're moving tomorrow so we went for a ride and located a good place to fuel up and get propane. We wanted somewhere we could easily get in and out without unhooking the toad. We're running pretty low on propane and were trying to make it last until we moved. Al hooked up the Extend-a-Stay propane kit, just in case our propane ran out during the night. Here is a picture I found online of the Extend a Stay kit for anyone who doesn't know what it is.
Basically, you use a propane cylinder like you can get at Walmart or anywhere to connect to the onboard propane tank. If your onboard propane runs out, it draws from the cylinder. It's much easier to fill up that cylinder than move the motor home to get a refill. Today we plan to start packing up in preparation for our move tomorrow. We've really made ourselves at home here and now we have to get it all back together for travel. We only have to go about 30 miles, so it's not far, but nevertheless, we have to go through the same preparations as if we were going on a longer trip. We're looking forward to getting into the new sunny site. We have quite a few trees here, which we normally like, but with the temperatures, we'll enjoy more sun. We are supposed to be approaching the 80's!


  1. Karen I was just wondering..the mattress you got earlier this year..still give it a thumbs up?We are just about ready to get one..and I was wondering.

    Glad you are having fun.

    Hugs Cindy and Walker

  2. Cindy,

    I sent you an email, but just in case...

    Yes, we LOVE our new mattress. We got it from bedinabox.com. We got the 11 inch one, but probably would have been fine with the 9 inch. We didn't get the fancy down covers, just the plain mattress with the regular cover. It's wonderful!!!

  3. The Extend-a-Stay looks pretty cool. We try not to use our furnace much but will have to do so much more often in February when we will be boondocking more. Thanks for the information. Glad you are getting some warmer weather mixed in with the cold at least.

  4. Brrr keep warm! That is just not right to have such cold weather in Florida! ACK! Hope it warms up soon====

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard


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