Thursday, October 14, 2010

Not a Productive Day

I had such good intentions for getting things done while Al was out of town.  Unfortunately, I putzed around too much and didn't get nearly as much done as I planned.  Merikay made me feel guilty :)

I did give myself a haircut with my trusty Flowbee Hair Cutter.  I've been using it for years and it works very well.  I also cut Al's hair with it.  It'll be handy on the road.  I read a lot of blogs that women worry about finding a good hairstylist while traveling.  I have never been a big fan of beauty shops.  I've always wanted my hair cut the minute it needs it and I could never seem to have a schedule.  One day it would be fine, the next day I needed a haircut and guess what....they stylist had no appointments!   So this works well for me and Flowbee will definitely be coming with us on the road.

Al is coming home earlier tomorrow than he originally thought.  I'm so glad.  I really get lonesome when he's gone...and there's no one to get my coffee :)

Howard of Rv-Dreams mentioned he was looking at getting a new small video camera.  I pulled some of the models up and boy are they small now.
A friend of Al's told hime about a  new underwater Diving mask that has a built in video camera right on it.  How's this for a cool gadget?  When we get back to diving more often,  I'd love one of these things.

I have still been pondering buying a new digital camera and had pretty much narrowed it down to the Canon Sx20 Is model. I was just waiting for the cash to drop from the sky to pay for it!   However, when I was at Walmart today, I found their newer model which has a 35x optical zoom, and 14 mp.  One thing I read called it a stalker camera :)  Of course it's more money, but definitely something to look into.  I imagine it weighs quite a bit more, which is a big negative for me.

My brother works at HH Gregg and he mentioned something about 20% discount?  humm??  I guess I need to do some reading because this was the first I had heard of this new camera with the huge zoom.

I'm off to watch Gray's Anatomy and have my Mexican tv dinner.


  1. Hey, with that new underwater diving mask camera, someone could actually video themselves getting eaten by a shark! That new Canon camera sounds pretty neat!

  2. Greys too!!

    Cindy and Walker

  3. I looked at the Flowbee link. You need a vacuum cleaner to power it up it seems. Would a built-in vac in the RV have enough power? Just wondering. It's a lot of money to shell out if I then didn't like it. Hmmmmm. Thinking this one over. Thank for the tip.


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