Sunday, March 17, 2013

Time to Move On


Wesley Chapel, Florida (high 81, low 59)

Tomorrow we leave on our trek south to the Keys.  We have reservations for one night at Jonathan Dickinson State Park, which is about half way there.  We’re trying a new route this time, trying to avoid the horrible construction on highway 41.

We’ve been getting some last minute shopping done.  Most everything we need we can buy in  the Keys, but there are a few important things we can’t get there. Like our brand of kitty food.

We’ve also  been taking care of some errands and chores that we should have done the past month of so since we’ve been here.  We managed to  procrastinate until we couldn’t procrastinate anymore.  Will we ever learn?   It’s not likely.


I have been feeling a bit run down the past few days and sort of achy all over.   At first I attributed it to being tired,and wondered if the time change was the cause.  Resting hasn’t helped, so I guess I have a little bug or something. I guess it’s time to start doctoring myself with some Echinacea and cranberry pills.  We went to the gym yesterday, hoping it would make me feel better.  It didn’t, so I guess I won’t go today.  On top of the over all achy feeling, my shoulder has started bothering me again.  It had begun to feel better but now it’s hurting again.  It better not screw up my kayaking.

By the way, Mr. Baxter hates the time change.  He feels his breakfast has been delayed unnecessarily.


I’ve been doing some planning for summer travels.  Hopefully, Mom will be well enough for us to get out of Florida for a while.

I’ve read a few blogs lately from people who are staying at Corp of Engineer campgrounds.   I get so frustrated trying to navigate their websites  and find campgrounds, that I rarely even consider them. Then I remembered that Judy had mentioned a book that she used for finding COE parks.

Corps Camping  Jane Kenny  9781885464316  Books

Sometimes it’s nice to have an actual book to scroll through, verses internet.  I think I’ll go ahead and order it from Amazon as soon as we get to the Keys, and have an address to send it to.   We like the state park experience, but prefer cheaper prices, so with the 50% discount for seniors, we may try to visit more COE parks.

Anybody have any COE parks in the south east that you love and can recommend?


  1. We have never stay at a COE park yet, like you said frustrating to navigate their website. We mostly stick to our over 700 membership parks.

  2. Procrastinating, I am a pro at that! I have never been to a COE park yet myself but we hope to someday.

    Have a safe trip, I hope your mother is doing well.


  3. I've also read blogs from folks who stay at COE parks and most of them look really nice. I intended to order that same book but forgot. Thanks for reminding me.

    Safe travels on your drive down to the Keys.

  4. Have not had opportunity to stay in a COE campground yet but will for sure when we take off full time rving this summer. The photos you see on the internet look like our kind of place. Have a great time in the Keys. I will look forward to your pictures. Happy yaking

  5. My favorite COE park so far has been Holiday Campground on West Point Lake, GA.

    I also liked Prairie Creek cgd. on Woodruff Lake, AL.

  6. We stayed at a COE campground two years ago. The site was large, shaded and we were right on the Mississippi River between Iowa and Illinois.

  7. What is the price range for staying at COE parks with the senior discount?
    Enjoy the Keys.
    Last year we had to stay in Florida because my mom was in hospice care, so I understand.

  8. We stay at many COE parks. The book is definitely helpful. Half price with the senior pass makes them a bargain. We have one near our kids that will be $12 for FHU once my DH turns 62.

  9. We have been told by people who have camped there that the one in South Carolina called Straum Thermon is awesome. It has one big lake. We are hoping to camp host there this fall or next. They pay their camp host too which is great. Thanks for posting the book, would love to get it too.

  10. We also have never stayed at a COE CG. We'll get around to it if we ever get unstuck here in SC.

    Actually we hope to roll for the first three weeks in April before my next medical appointment in SC. Toying with a fast trip to KW. How long are you going to be there?

    1. We'll be there through mid April, so maybe we will be able to meet you....if you stop long enough. :)

  11. Have a good trip, we will see you when you get back.

  12. Good luck on your trip south. I look forward to reading your entries.

  13. We like staying at COE parks. The sites are usually very nice and near water. We use the book that you mentioned and Streets and Trips for planning. You can drop a pin set for COE parks on your map and plan your route to include COE's as stops. Streets and Trips has a bit of a learning curve but we love it for helping us find city and county parks too.


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