Friday, September 07, 2012


St George, South Carolina  (Jolly Acres Rv Park)

We  brought little Chatty home from the hospital yesterday morning.  He had spent two nights there after the surgery.  He still wasn’t urinating on his own, but the vet said that was not uncommon and that he may do better in his own relaxed environment.

We left an them “an arm and a leg” and headed home with Chatty.  He has an Elizabethan collar on his head to prevent him from licking or biting his wound and sutures.

He was calm on the way home while in the car but once we got him in the house he went nuts. He was extremely hyper.  He is not supposed to jump up on anything and is to be confined to a small area. 

Confining him to a small area is not always the easiest thing in a motor home. He have a bathroom area between the kitchen and the bedroom where we can close it off with pocket doors. The only problem is these pocked doors are about 4 inches off the floor and Chatty (and Baxter) can get under them.

He kept getting away from us and before we knew it he would manage to jump on the bed or into the kitty pan.  Every time he moved he’d bump his head (with the big old collar) against everything.  He has no peripheral vision so he’s always bumping into something.  Poor baby.

Mr. Baxter was extremely nosey and not making things easier.   Chatty decided he wanted to run…  I think he was trying to run away from that collar.  We soon realized keeping him in that bathroom area was not going to work.    If we needed to use the bathroom, or go in the bedroom, we’d have a fight on our hands to keep Chatty in and Baxter out.

We decided we needed a larger cage where we could put a kitty pan.  We have one in Tampa in our storage building, but of course it wasn’t with us.  It figures…  we do have our scuba gear though.  Smile

We went back into Charleston and got a larger cage. Chatty has done a little better and at least we were able to keep him calm and everyone could get some sleep.

He’s eating well, but we’re still having trouble getting him to urinate.  His bladder went through a lot of trauma, plus he’s not allowed to have his favorite kitty litter and he hates the new stuff. 

Chatty after surgery

He said I could take his picture, but since his back side is “nekkid” I thought I’d better cover his privates . Smile  

Our plans to head to Asheville are on hold until we’re sure Chatty can pee.  Wish him luck!


  1. Poor Chatty. I hope he feels better soon. You feel so bad when your pets are in pain.

  2. Oh dear, he looks so pitiful. I am sure you never thought you would be so happy when a cat peed...hehe

  3. Poor little guy..hope he pees soon..although we changed our boy's kitty litter once and he held it for more than 24 hours soon as we switched it back he was in there with a sigh of relief!!

  4. Poor Chatty. He looks fairly comfortable in a cage. Makes it better for everyone. Hope he gets better soon.

  5. To pee or not to pee that is the question. Hope Chatty "works it out" quickly!

  6. Poor kitty. No need to see any nekked cat butt, so thanks for the censorship.

  7. OH, I'm soooo behind on blogs. I need to read back & learn who Chatty is! I hope he settles soon. Yes, I agree that getting the crate was the best thing for him. Got a giggle out of the censored word!

  8. That's one 'the end' picture I wouldn't want to see. :)

  9. Pee, Chatty, Pee!! (That's Scooter and Skitz cheering you on). The cage was a great idea. Sure hope he's doing better soon.

  10. Poor baby, I hope he is better soon.

  11. I'm worrying about Chatty. I'll bet you are too. Hope things start moving so you can get on your way to Ashville before winter. :-))

  12. Ohhh poor Chatty! Hope the rear end gets in gear and starts working as it should. I suppose the change in kitty litter is enough to make any cat rebel, but with aching sore hind end, it must be a real hindrance to the poor thing.

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

  13. Poor baby. We sure hope he is back to his old self soon. Those collars are really a pain and you know they hate them, too.


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