Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Blog Tweaks

I was reading an interesting blog post from Rick and Paulette, about saving and organizing digital photographs.  He gave some really good tips.  In Ricks post he mentioned correctly sizing the photographs so that they would load quickly on other computers which may be using Wifi or an Aircard. I think I have my photos properly sized, but if anyone has any problems with that issue or any others, please let me know.  When I post using Windows Live Writer, I believe I have them sized correctly, but I'm not sure about that when I use Blogger to write the post.

Well enough about blogging.

Yesterday I spent on routine cleaning.  Since we had been busy outside painting, we neglected the house and boy did it need some attention.  I hate to think how we are going to manage to keep everything perfect when we put the house on the market.  The only way I know to do that is to LEAVE!  We had thought about trying to be gone as much as possible at that point, but I doubt we will have sold, donated, or trashed enough stuff at that point, so we will probably have to stay here and continue to try to unload all the crap treasures!  When we sold the house in Tampa, packed up most of the stuff and moved it here to Georgia, left enough furniture to properly stage it, and LEFT! 

Today my goal is to clean a kitchen cabinet that is a catch all.  I know that doesn't sound too ambitious for a days project, but you should see this cabinet!  If I get that done, I'll feel like I accomplished something!  It's a large double lower cabinet.  Wish me luck!


  1. Good luck with your cabinet cleaning today. I dread the thought of us ever having to sell our house and pack up. I think I'd just contract it out and leave town on holidays until it was finished! Thanks for the blog mention!

  2. We eventually moved into our MH while the house was up for sale. Roger installed 50 amp (which he removed when the house sold), a dump hook-up into our city sewer, and we already had a water faucet next to the driveway. It worked great for us. Didn't have to worry about keeping the house clean and neat. It was also a good way to know what we needed to be taking with us as full-timers.

  3. When I see your photos on your blog, they are a good size. However, I often like to click on a photo to enlarge it to get a better view, but yours do not enlarge. On some blogs, I don't really care about enlarging them, but you take some really good photos and it would be nice if they could enlarge. I use an aircard and using the enlarge click doesn't cause me any problems.

  4. Margie, moving into the rv is a good idea to keep the house clean.

    Thanks for the reminder on my pictures. I had forgotten. I think Rick (Rick and Paulette) posted something about how to make your photos be enlargeable, but I haven't had time to mess with them yet. Some of my photos look better smaller..believe me. I am normally zoomed in a LONG way and they don't look great in large size :)

  5. I use a great program to manage,edit, correct and rezise photos that came with my Polaroid digital/video camera. It's called MediaImpression.

    I can highlight a whole group of photos and hit "Batch Resize" and it will do all of them at one fell swoop!

    Of course you can do one at a time too.

    Then all my photos are small enough before I even load them into my blog or email them to friends.

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

  6. I use a great program to manage,edit, correct and rezise photos that came with my Polaroid digital/video camera. It's called MediaImpression.

    I can highlight a whole group of photos and hit "Batch Resize" and it will do all of them at one fell swoop!

    Of course you can do one at a time too.

    Then all my photos are small enough before I even load them into my blog or email them to friends.

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard


Please feel free to leave comments. We love to read them! To contact me directly you can send e-mail to rvtravels2@yahoo.com